I had so much fun reading through your comments about what you think I may be doing with "Tea" soon. :) And you had very good guesses. My sweet Mama and I are indeed opening a tea business but not an actual tea room that will serve dinners. We will have a traveling tea tasting business and also be making and selling essential oils and other items. (Did ya'll know that I do Reflexology?) I will be doing this also. I haven't done it professionally in many years but now is the time to start it back up.
Thank you for all of your guesses and I will be checking in now and then but will no longer be blogging as before. My time is being spent going and coming this way and that way.
It looks as though we will be moving again soon and we will be busy setting up a new home, as well as, a new business. So my time will be eaten up for awhile. But I will try to keep ya'll updated along the way and hope ya'll won't forget about me. :)