I have had a good and lazy Sunday just relaxing with the family and watching some movies and then spending some time catching up on my blog reading. It's so much fun and inspiring to read all of your blogs and see what ya'll are up to. Thank you for the encouragement that you ladies give to me each and every day through reading your blogs and through the sweet comments that you leave for me. :)
I know that some of you who stop by for a visit do not leave a comment and that's okay. But it's oh so nice to read the comments and receive emails that lifts my spirits after a long day. :)
I've been seeing a LOT of pink on many blogs so I decided to take some pics of pink myself since it is my favorite color. :)
This is my daughter's handbag that she made last month. It says, "The world needs Drama Queens" and she sure can be one sometimes. LOL She also has a LOT of buttons that she added to it. These are my new glasses....yep...I had to get some reading glasses last week. That small print kept getting smaller. LOL Anyway, I thought that I would get some glasses with pink bling. :) I like to keep them on top of my head so I can find them when I need them. :)
~Pink Things~
Labels: Pretty in Pink